Wednesday, December 15, 2010

pash fest in circular quay

Walking around the city after class tonight I stopped to take photos in a staircase/alleyway I liked.

I found a hidey-hole...  

... and hid inside.

Across the street I saw a couple (early thirties?) who had just come out of one of the restaurants. They were kissing. Quite a lot. I was surprised they felt comfortable doing this in public (I don't).

After a while they stopped, crossed the road and started walking towards me up the staircase. 

The man said something to me. I had my earphones in but he made a hand gesture which suggested that he was asking if I wanted him to take a photo for me. 

Assuming this was what he had said, I replied, "Oh, no thanks, it's ok." He asked, "Are you sure?" I waved my hand and smiled and said, "No, I'm fine thank you."

I was conscious that my camera was still on self timer and for some reason felt anxious knowing this, even though the flash was off and besides that they obviously could see what I was doing. I walked back to the camera quickly.

The couple kept walking past me up the staircase. I reallyreallyreally wanted a photo of them back-on walking up the staircase but because the camera was still on self timer I had to wait for it to finish capturing. All I got was the last bit of them ... walking into the hidey hole !


Awkward because I wanted to keep taking photos. But you can't just go and pose casually next to some strangers' pash fest, can you?

As I walked off I looked back because I couldn't quite believe it. I mean, when I was fourteen my (then) boyfriend and I got snapped kissing at the top of a tower where we thought no-one could see us - except apparently there were monitored security screens on the floor (oops). But I could never imagine public pash fest in a reasonably busy walkway as a 'mature' adult.

Yet looking back my suspicions were confirmed: Definite pash fest in hidey hole.

Crikey. And they go on about us 'young ones.'

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