Sunday, April 27, 2014

"Change is not something we should fear. Rather, it is something we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be." 

-B.K.S. Iyengar.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

you're afraid of lying down with me and never wanting to get up again.
that scares me too.
that consumes you.

(Thanks to Jahra Rager for sharing.)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Fear can overwhelm but faith has to prevail."

- The F-Word, Bess Manson

Thursday, April 17, 2014

without you / sliver

I was 14, 17, 21 again
in your kitchen, 32 --
centre-storm, middle this afternoon
suggesting we
out into the wind --

how apt.
For in sealing the round of your mouth
over my
red, fleshy
20-something lungs
in the green we were again:
three nights not slept
four days not showered
a soppy vapid downpour
avocado and tomato
Ohope or Omaha, one of those
'O' beaches...
Oh, caffeine and sunrises
sunsets in our sunsights
consciousness and
consequences, feeling out those older

smoking so last life
and life-lasting, this lifetime
having held smoke
first: from life, then lungs (yours) --

and even if the space of atoms
insists on touching us
there's always a spare forty dollars
you just gotta find time

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


so far round, I could not even
   straighten my spine
curled into: pseudo-safety
throat aching from my
   second spine
   second head
that self-deprecating entity
who lives underneath me

Saturday, April 5, 2014

real fake young & hangry

after Holly's appetongue-ising
of non-festive recommendations
and Pakeha revelations,
wandered I
to the street chant.

doled out a cup of soup, I caught
the last of
something important, I thought...
and having felt, with soup in hand,
the hate slurred at those who hate,
the blue uniforms guarding the blue hearts
in their blue party
inside the Rendezvous
thought I: God,
All Humans are awful.

We are all awful.
Why are we all awful?

This is like capital punishment,
this will
fix it.

I felt disappointed. The protest ended.

The ball-gowned
me-but-not-mes, (young and sharing
(but not sharing) three syllables of names)
jeered at my ugly boots
which are a joke, anyway
acted tactfully (thought they) with a salting of spite
and entered their night of spinal ignorance, backs so straight practically
asking for a stabbing

Supposedly important.

Thought I: what's important are
words spoken in Basements
things said, and heard
not mimicked - in crowds - without ears - no ears on either
the crowds nor the recipients
the recipients without ears because of the crowd's head having holes

I'd rather have my ears chewed, than be ugly
as I'd rather be ugly than
at the ball with both slippers