Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello. I would quite like to have your dreams. I don't mean I want to dream the dreams you dream. I mean I actually want your dreams that you have dreamed inside my own head.

I am going to put your pillow case on my pillow. On my bed.

Looks good.

No, better than that. I am going to wear it. I am going to wear your pillow case. I think it would make a very nice hat. More of a head cover. Some head garment/accessory of some sort. Whatever. I am going to wear it.

It's rather a nice colour.

I can't see anything. How do you see with this thing over your eyes? Or do you wear it differently. Oh. The other way around. I see.

No, it's really not making a difference. Maybe wearing it on my head is not such a great idea.

Okay I'm taking it off now.

That's better. Well. I mean. I can see now. I really want your dreams, still, though.


You have a very nice head. I really, really mean it. I am being sincere. Your head is nice. I like your head.

No, I'm not joking. You think I'm joking? I'm quite serious. Good head. Good shape. Nice.

No I'm not taking the piss. What, you don't like compliments? Fine. I'm going back inside the pillow.

You what? What? I can't hear you. Oh for shit's sake.. hold on. I'm getting this thing off again.

What? It's your pillow case? Oh. Yeah, it is. I forgot about that.

Do you think I can I borrow it maybe? Like, I just want to wear it for a bit. It makes a really nice head garment. Well, it's a bit sweaty and you can't see much and I actually really don't suit the colour blue but I do like square shapes. I mean, it's a rectangle but shapes with square sides, I like. Although it's kinda floppy material so it doesn't always look very square. But I still like the shape. And I like the little bit that flaps over to keep the pillow inside. Better than having buttons. Buttons are tacky. Nice, clean edge with the flap thing.

You what? You don't have any dreams? You mean I've been standing here for the last six minutes with your pillow case over my head and you only tell me now you don't get dreams? Bloody...


Can I just kind of.. here, give me your head. Just.. put your.. your head.. Shit that's not going to work is it. Damn. Umm...

Look, maybe we can make an arrangement. Do you really need your head? Serious question. Do you really need your head? You think I'm joking! No. Honestly, just consider for a moment. Do you really need your head? Cockroaches can live for ten days without a head. What do you need a head for? Nothing. You have less things you need to do before you die than a cockroach does.

Just kind of.. sideways, like that. You see? Now our heads are kind of together.

I still can't see any of your dreams though.

I think we need to make an incision. And some sort of cable from your head to mine. They still need to be touching though. I'm just saying a cable would help. They can send some amazing things by cable and then I will see all of your dreams.

Oh, no, I don't just want to see them though. What I really, really want is to have them inside me. Your dreams. I want them to be mine. But still yours. I want them to be mine-yours.

Ours. I want dreams which are ours. But still yours. In my head.

Like I don't want us to be the same person. I don't want to halve my dreams with you. And I don't want to take your dreams or have them temporarily on loan or anything. I just want your dreams to be mine.

I said that in the beginning, didn't I? Why didn't I just say that? I want your dreams to be mine.

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