Friday, June 25, 2010

songs from '06

and I should be honoured
that such wit clings to me,
even in these hours
amidst my own thoughts and body -
I only sought my own fear
I saw how it all sits in one space.
The problem is this:
I want
I want such simple and complex things
(the sky told me so)
that I am satisfied with neither
for I will always want the other
and twice in demand becomes
(I surely am)
and even in madness I am not satisfied
and even in genius I am not satisfied
and even in people I am not satisfied
and for anything more
I am not satisfied -
It must be the scorpians
(or else the capricorns?)

What would I do if
one day
the scales were to tip
off this body
if I were to change states
if I were to sit instead of
if I were to make art
every day
instead of decisions
if I were to listen to the world
and not myself
or find six different routes
or pay attention to none
if I were to see only my own eyeballs
if I were to hear my own speeches every night
if I were to relive the past in
today's realms
if I were to delete all my old voices
as my phone so kindly suggests
instead of counting the
seconds with my fingertips
and hoping to sky dive -
what if I were to live
instead of make art?
Well then I would surely be witless.

What if I were to sleep for once instead of sharing my nights?

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