Wednesday, April 13, 2011

opposite ends of the room

The other day I bought a cheap Asian wireless FM transmitter off TradeMe to play my iPod in my new car because it doesn't have a tape deck or AUX port. It's really cheap and crap. Makes all my music sound like real underground, home-recorded adolescent tears. Cool.

Today I was waiting at a red light playing some angsty, crackly music pretty loud with my window down and a very frail-looking elderly couple walked past. I felt really guilty all of a sudden -- I don't know why -- so I turned it down. They didn't even seem to hear it. Probably were deaf. I still felt guilty though. Got moody really fast and turned it off completely.

Then I felt too quiet, so I plugged the iPod back in. But I couldn't find the right connection and my iPod was angrily going kCHHHHHHHkkkkCHHHHkkkkssshhhkkkkkkktttfffffggggvvvkkk at me. Like fifty thousand primary school kids ripping open their plastic chip packets in quick succession. Irritating but in that "whatever/used to it/can't be bothered anyway" way.

Last week our choreographer Sarah said, "I'm going to play some really irritating music now." Then she played, in reverse, one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard.

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