Tuesday, May 4, 2010

black friday

Beautiful people wear glitter in their hair. They sew rips into t-shirts and smoke cigarettes from other peoples’ hands. They cut themselves with champagne bottles and make red-stained mosaics in not-quite-set footpaths.

Beautiful people don’t know they are beautiful. They wear mismatched earrings and junk around their wrists. Beautiful people see angels in white-clouded rooms - a sweet-sour smell. They know they’ll never be blessed.

Beautiful people speak words everyone else can hear but no one dares think. They make jokes other people miss or wish they’d gotten. Wish they’d opened their eyes to feel. Beautiful people can never exist alongside other people because they’ll always fuck them up.

Beautiful people test the edges of painted lines. They wonder what it’s like to cross to the other side. They forget how metal feels, or else they’ve never felt it, or they remember what cold is like. They know how good it is to crash.

Beautiful people know what it’s like to be ugly. They are deformed, inside out. They bear scars and marks and creases, some self-inflicted, some not. They wish they knew how to eat.

Beautiful people forget how to write. Occasionally it comes back to them. But there are always spelling mistakes. And punctuation marks.

We can’t all be beautiful but we wish we could.

Beautiful people don’t tell you they are leaving. They simply stand up and pursue their whims. Beautiful people wake up later than us. They’re busy wandering other spheres. Their hair is defiant and takes on strange angles. They bear imperfections which taint the rest of us. They say exactly what they mean. They reshape your lips and make your eyes go heavy and can’t understand why.

Beautiful people don’t touch other people. It seems unnatural to them to be amongst broken bodies. They can’t bear to see limbs which are sewn together. They don’t know how to behave like we do. They are different. We are something they are curious about but which they can’t reason.

Beautiful people are so alluring .. you will always be made to watch from a distance. You can never touch them. You were born more broken than they’ll ever be.

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