Monday, January 30, 2012

The life of de hard-working celery worker

The celery worker is often called into work late on a Sunday night, when he should be at home with his family, and has no choice but to go.

The celery worker might work more in one week but is still paid the same as any other week. The celery worker often has to do over time.

The celery worker is often physically and mentally stressed. He or she has to buy on-the-run meals rather than eat at home. These things often lead to spending even more money unnecessarily, but is unavoidable due to the celery worker's line of work. The celery worker's social connections and relationships are also compromised. Often he or she has poor cerebral health despite apparent intelligence and a loss of self-worth. The celery worker has so much potential yet has to sacrifice so much to reach the pinnacle of his or her success, and ultimately the pinnacle of his or her celery.

Often long hours of slaving over work leaves the celery worker feeling depleted, frustrated and inadequate. This is because - generally speaking - although celery is edible and to some extent hydrating, it is barely nutritious. Some people believe celery has negative calories, but this is actually false and has been scientifically disproved. Nothing has negative calories. Anyway, weight loss is good sometimes but not sustainable, and therefore you will eventually die from celery.

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