Saturday, July 17, 2010

want II

I am an excavator. I dig into the trenches of people’s minds. I pick through bones. I study brain cells. I reach into every erythrocyte. I scrutinize. I want to know what makes the atoms whirr in each person. And more than anything I want them to create electricity in me. I want to be provoked. I want to be questioned. I want to be challenged. I want to be fed. I want to be listened to. I want to be rebuked. I want to be agreed with. I want to be contradicted. I want to be energised. I want to be picked apart and recreated; I want to be reshaped and stretched. I want to be all these things at once. I want. I want.


  1. In a very lazy like manner I would like to just click 'like'. It would resemble much more than it may appear though. You are an incredible being Natalie Clark!

  2. Could I use this in my online journal if I credit it to you. That really speaks to me.

    Steph Bates

  3. Sure sweetheart x
    What is your online journal? A blog?
