Monday, April 5, 2010


In school - but having left school - sorting out irrelevant details. She finds herself standing in a wooden panelled room digging in her bag for a sickly pale green sheet of paper; requesting a signature: her passport out of here. Blue lidded bottles line the walls labelled with strange scribbling like OH- and sodium citrate. Unexpectedly, almost incongruous with this moment, H2O puddles over her eyes. She is touched by the pedagogic yet somewhat matriarchal figure in front of her who has guided her through these college walls. It suddenly feels as though their souls have known each other for a long, long time. It is unrelated to these bottles; the chemicals.

In a moment of hazy de ja vu she considers that tears, whether good or bad, play a part in some of the most poignant moments in her life. The two women, born several decades apart – sharing an instant – embrace.

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