Saturday, March 12, 2011

a summary of life in the last 120 hours

we were 110
now there are "approximately sixty of us"

two lion reds
two lion reds are sitting on a small grave
(I wonder if you saw your name on a headstone and

be good, but don't be great
there are, like, six kinds of tea here
please, no more backwards rolls
whatever you do, don't even think about making a dancer  
actually dance
let the actors do their handstands and the
filmies do their back flips
they're much better at it than I am anyway
I have spent years training to be mediocre
and would rather
booty shake to rapping over Mozart, thank you

snails for kai
pretend you're French
pretend you're exotic
hell, just pretend.
oui oui! s'il vous plaît!

they're going to put turbines in the Kaipara harbour
chomp up all the orca into tiny pieces
Willy Wonka LOVES that idea
"We'll shove them in an aluminium can
and float them down the chocolate river to our
hungry hungry customers!"
that'll be good.
That'll be good, eh?

if I'm supposed to walk backwards
does that mean I need to grow eyes in my shoulder blades?
or kidneys, or something?

they'd rather go to the rugby, in New Zealand
going to the theatre is SUCH! an effort
the rugby is fu-unn
big guys in tight shorts
with tight pecs
better boobs than me
better boobs than the cheerleaders
better entertainment
just all round better
(there goes that semantic satiation again -
how come I never get it saying
I must say that to myself at least
approximately sixty
times a day)
"and-five, six, se-ven-eight-and.."

One more lion red!
Is this a personal joke I've been left out of?
Am I missing something?
Wait - was that satirical? Or for real?
It's so hard to tell when irony is in
Irony means you are a real artist
you qualify for cool
who cares if you can point your toes
where's your post-modernity?
shame on you!
technique is OUT
starving artist is IN
keep up, girl
keep up or you're going to fall by the wayside
where's your run-down flat
where's your second hand clothes?
your organic, fair-trade, eco-friendly latte?
Your head tunnel-tuned to open mindedness
living is OUT, man
is IN.

Keep up!
Jump higher, faster,
Five! Six! Seven! Eight!
where's your pavement stare?
your sexual turmoil?
your protest placards?
change is in, yeah
Five, six, change seven, eight --
your quarter speed walk?
your violent shaking?
stare, two, three, four
run five, six, se-ven-eight, nine?!
waistcoat, hunchback, poetry, tears
Oh God, Oh God, I'm behind in my rent!
overdraft for an iPhone
oversized headphones--

Just slow down.

Exhale, two, three, four,
five, six,

glissade, jeté; glissade, jeté
and five, six, seven, hate
glissade, jeté; glissade, jeté
and five, six, seven, hate
glissade, releve; hold seven, jeté, 
glissade, jeté; and seven, hate

One. Two. Three-and-four.
She's* right. 

Fuck this. 

*"Fuck this" is a reference to/quote from Lydia Zanetti's piece, Do You I Heart.

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